Short hairstyles for girls can simply be obtained by cutting hair to short length. In fact there are three main categories of classifying short hairstyles for girls. These categories name jaw length hair cuts, super short hair cuts and chin length hair cuts. These hair styles can be made more attractive by adding color and highlights. There are a variety of options for girls to style their short hair. First style is called the bob hairstyle. It is one of the hairstyle that is always liked by girls because it suits all face types. For round faces, super short hairstyles are not recommended. But you can have relatively short medium hair styles that will make you look stunning and make your face look slimmer.
The texture of hair must be considered before getting a bob hairstyle. Girls having straight hair can get a bob cut with long strand of hair just touching the chin. If hairs are a bit wavy or curly then desired short hairstyles for girls can be achieved by using a flat iron because bob hairstyle requires straight hair. Girls having fine or thin hair must get bob hair style as it will increase the volume of hair making them look thick. You can also ask your hair stylist to make a few bangs on the top. Try to avoid severe fringes as they can sharpen your facial features. After getting short hair styles 2011 for girls*it is good to get your hair trimmed regularly to maintain them. A flat iron can also be used after blow drying your hair but excess use of straighteners can damage your hair.