How To Care For Different Skin Types

YBA} {Who does not want to be attractive, charming and beautiful? It is not possible to achieve this without the care of your skin. The purpose of writing this post is to share knowledge on skin care of different types.

Skin requires a good amount of protection because it is constantly exposed to environmental hazards such as sunlight, rain, hail, storm, etc. adequate care to keep skin healthy and glowing. But before digging skin care tips, you can be natural to think

How do I know my skin type? Responsible and the procedure is very simple.

Know your skin type is very important, for example, you have oily skin, and you apply oil-based cream on your skin, your skin will break into acne and pimples. So the first thing about skin care is to know your skin type. Main types of skin is normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. All skin types need a skin care system and different types of cosmetics for each type.

1. How to care for normal skin

This skin type is famous for its ability to maintain a healthy balance between oil and moisture. This skin is healthy and natural, and only needs gentle treatment.

* The normal cleaning, tone and moisturize the skin.

* Once a fortnight a mask for normal skin can be applied to keep cool.

2nd How to care for oily skin

Usually suffer from skin problems such as white heads, spots, blemishes and pimples. The skin can easily attract dirt and dust from the external environment because of the oil that appears on the skin. We have to wash and clean the skin more often than dirt and dust stick to it. It lays its large and visible pores.

* The two to three times a day.

* Use astringent and rose water to wipe with a cotton swab DAB. Excessive use of beauty soap to wash the skin is not desirable.

* In autumn and winter months, washed with glycerin soap, soap or oil balancing foaming cleanser.

* During the spring and summer, use a mild soap, astringent containing salicylic acid and oil blotting tissues.

* Gel creams and lotions are good for oily skin.

* Clay and packets of sandalwood powder is very good for oily skin.

* A soft washer should be used on oily skin to remove dead cells and blackheads.

* Avoid fried foods and saturated fats.

3. As for the treatment of dry skin

Usually people do not like to have this skin type as it is known to cause wrinkles. But that's not true. Dry skin requires more care than oily skin.

* The skin lacks moisture and is generally a dry and arid. He tends to Flack easily. Requires that you use good amount of night creams and moisturizers. This helps maintain its good looks.

* In autumn and winter to clean a rich emollient cleansing milk.

* In summer and spring using light milky cleanser or moisturizer bar.

* Use plenty of water because dry skin needs plenty of water to hydrate the skin and requires a large amount of moisture the body produces less sebum as required by the body.

4. How to Care for Mixed Skin

Most people have combination skin. Combination skin is a place somewhere dry and oily.

* Apply moisturizer to focus on the area dries. Apply a little on the oily part of the face and well in a dry place to prevent the horses Dray spots on the face.

* The best way is to balance combination skin, while up in the morning to spread the oil over the area to get fat all over your face, wash without soap.

* In autumn and winter months to clean twice a day, a cleanser or a mild, non-soap cleanser.

* During the spring and summer, glycerin soap and use of tones, but move to the astringent in hot weather.

* Never use soap on your face in the morning before taking a bath like the natural oil on your face is very good for the skin to keep it moist and young.

5. Caring for sensitive skin

The skin is sensitive to dirt, dust, sun and most of the creams, soaps and lotions. It requires great care while using something on sensitive skin.

* Use all products as gentle on the skin, face wash, moisturizers and facial masks specially designed for sensitive skin.

* Avoid perfumed soaps and lotions for sensitive skin.